Test Case Scenarios vs Test Cases

Documenting Test Case Scenarios and Test Cases is a vital part in Software Testing/Quality Assurance. Test Cases and Test Case Scenarios makes sure all functional requirements are available and functioning as expected within the software being built.

Test Case Scenarios

Test case scenarios(TCS) are requirements of software testing. These are created for each and every functional requirement of Functional Requirement Document(FRD). We shall see contents of test case scenarios those are typically documented

Test Case Scenario ID

Test Scenarios should  identified by unique ID within a software firm.

For example,

Lets say, we are creating a test case scenario for a login form of the point of sale system. Test scenario ID can be ‘POS_LOGIN_01’ (<project>_<feature>_<id> ).

Test Case Description

A TCS description helps to see some details about the test case. “What feature/s are we testing?”

For Example,

“Validate if the user is logged in successfully by entering correct user name and password. ”

TCS Importance/Priority

In which order these test case scenarios should be tested? We can mark as “Urgent”,”High”,”Medium” or “Low”.

Low – Does not distrusts the working progress.

Medium – Scenarios those do not result in dysfunction of the project.

High – A requirement that need to be mandatorily full filled.

Urgent – Feature need to be tested before continuing to the next step.

Test Case

One or more Test Cases(TC) are created for each Test Case Scenarios.

Lets Create a Test Case Scenario for user failing to log in to the point of sale example.

[table id=3 /]

For the above TCS there can be 3 or more Test Cases!

Test Case 1 : User entered wrong user name.

Test Case 2 : User entered incorrect password.

Test Case 3 : User enters both user name and password incorrectly.

Test Case 4 : User clicks “Login”  without entering any data to the login form.

Contents of Test Cases

Typical factors those recorded under Test Cases are,

People Involved


Expected Output

Actual Output

Date and Time

Generated Test Data

Note here, both contents of TCS and TC can be vary from project to project based on the complexity and the type of the project.

A Test Case Scenario is a features to validate, and a Test Cases are possible steps on validating that TCS.

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