Root Cause Analysis

Pre-RCA and Post-RCA refer to two different phases of the root cause analysis (RCA) process.


This phase involves activities and steps taken before conducting the actual root cause analysis. It focuses on gathering information, preparing for the analysis, and setting the stage for a successful investigation. Some common activities in the Pre-RCA phase include:

  • Defining the problem or incident: Clearly understanding the event or issue that requires RCA and defining its scope.
  • Collecting data: Gathering relevant information, data, reports, and any available evidence related to the problem or incident.
  • Assembling the team: Forming a multidisciplinary team of experts or stakeholders who will participate in the RCA process.
  • Establishing goals and objectives: Setting clear objectives for the RCA process, including identifying the desired outcomes and deliverables.
  • Creating a timeline and plan: Developing a structured plan that outlines the steps, milestones, and timelines for conducting the RCA.
  • Allocating resources: Ensuring that necessary resources such as time, personnel, tools, and documentation are available for the RCA process.
  • Securing the incident scene (if applicable): In cases where an incident involves physical aspects, securing the scene to preserve evidence for analysis.


This phase occurs after the RCA investigation has been completed, and the root causes of the problem or incident have been identified. The Post-RCA phase focuses on taking action based on the findings and recommendations from the analysis. It includes activities such as:

  • Developing corrective actions: Creating specific and actionable recommendations or solutions to address the identified root causes.
  • Prioritizing and implementing solutions: Assessing the recommended actions and prioritizing them based on severity, feasibility, and impact. Implementing the selected solutions to prevent the problem from recurring.
  • Monitoring and tracking progress: Establishing mechanisms to monitor the implementation of corrective actions and track their effectiveness over time.
  • Communicating the findings: Sharing the results of the RCA process, including the identified root causes, recommended actions, and any lessons learned, with relevant stakeholders.
  • Documenting the RCA process: Recording the entire RCA process, including the data collected, analysis techniques used, findings, and actions taken, for future reference and continuous improvement.

By distinguishing between the Pre-RCA and Post-RCA phases, organizations can ensure a systematic and structured approach to root cause analysis, leading to effective problem resolution and prevention.

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