LX-103 – 104
104.1 Create Partitions and Filesystems
Manage MBR partitions table
Use various mkfs commands to create various filesystems such as,
- ext2 / ext3 / ext4
Awareness of ReiserFS and Btrfs
Basic knowledge of ‘gdisk’ and ‘parted’ with GPT
Commands : fdisk, gdisk, parted, mkfs, mkswap
Manage MBR Partitions Table
Storage devices are recognized by the MBR at the boot time.
Master Partition Table
- Contains List Of partitions
- Partition ID
- Starting cylinder
- Number of Cylinders
Master Boot Code
- Contain program to load OS from disk
- Initiate the boot process
FDISK utility
Used to create and manipulate partition tables
- Does not support GUID Partitions Table (GPT)
- List disk details -> fdisk -l /dev/sda
- Edit partition table -> fdisk /dev/sdb
SFDISK Utility
Can be used to create and modify partitions
- Does not support GUID Partitions Table (GPT)

‘partprobe’ updates kernel when changes are made. The partition table is re-read

Use various MKFS command to create various filesystems
The ‘mkfs’ command used to build a filesystem on the storage device.
Available mkfs tools are located in /sbin
- ls /sbin/mkfs*
- mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1
- mkfs.msdos -t ext3 /dev/sdb2
Enable journaling
- mke2fs /dev/sdb1 -j
Check for bad blocks
- mke2fs -c /dev/sdb1
- fsck to file system check
Force filesystem creation on mounted partition
- mke2fs -F /dev/sda5
Set inode size
Inodes are like pointers to files and directories. So it is important those pointers are available enough to point large number of files/directories in system.
- mke2fs -i 8192 /dev/sdb1
Set filesystem label
- mke2fs -L MyLabel /dev/sdb1
Re-write the superblock
Superblock is a filesystem components that has mapping of bad sectors and other details about the filesystem itself.
- mke2fs -S /dev/sdb1
Create swap space with ‘mkswap’ command
- 01. mkswap /dev/sdb1
- 02. swapon /dev/sdb1
- swapon -s –> lists usable swap
- swapoff /dev/sdb1 –> turn off swap
- vi /etc/fstab

Basic Knowledge of GDISK and Parted with GPT
The GNU ‘parted’ utility can create, destroy and resize partitions.
parted -l
parted -a cylinder /dev/sda
‘resize2fs’ also can be used to resize partion
resize2fs /dev/sda1
104.2 Maintain integrity of Filesystem
Verify the integrity of the filesystems
Verify free space and inodes
Repair simple filesystem problems
Commands: du, df , fsck, e2fsck, mke2fs , debugfs, dumpe2fs, tune2fs, xfs_metadump, xfs_info

Filesystems may become corrupted due to misuse, power loss, or other issues.
The ‘fsck’ utility is primary usest to check and repair filesystem integrity.
- Separate fsck commands exist for each filesystem type
- Xfs_repair
- May be run at boot, depending on configuration in /etc/fstab
- Filesystems usually are unmounted
- Fsck -y /dev/sdc1
- Fsck -A
- The ‘tune2fs’ utility is used to adjust ext filesystems
- Tune2fs -l /dev/sdb1

-p Automatic repair (no questions)
-n Make no changes to the filesystem
-y Assume “yes” to all questions
-c Check for bad blocks and add them to the badblock list
-f Force checking even if filesystem is marked clean
-v Be verbose
-b superblock Use alternative superblock
-B blocksize Force blocksize when looking for superblock
-j external_journal Set location of the external journal
-l bad_blocks_file Add to badblocks list
-L bad_blocks_file Set badblocks list
-z undo_file Create an undo file
To view filesystems of devices
df -Th
The disk usage (du) command shows storage stats for files and directories
- du -a /usr
- du -inodes /usr
- du -h /sbin/* | sort -n
- -h Digs deeper into directories
- du -s /sbin/*
The disk free (df) command shows filesytems information
- df -a
- df -h
- Size – appropriate size
- df -H
- size multiplies by 1000(aka marketing size)
- df -i
- Inodes described
- df -t ext2
- df -T
Show me the largest file underneath this directory
du -ah ~/Downloads/* | sort -n
104.3 Control mounting and un-mounting of Filesystem

Manually mount and un-mount filesystems
- The mount and umount commads attach and detach filesystems to a mountpoint directory
- Mount checks for filesystem entries
- Filesystems can be mounted using a label

Configure file system mounting on bootup
- The /etc/fstab cile contains information about filesystem use by the mount command.
- Filesystem maintenance also includes updating ‘fstab’ file
- The order of filesystem being mounted is significant
Field definitions for /etc/fstab

- What will be mounted
- Where will be mounted
- Which filesystem type
- Which options will be used
- Will the ‘dump’ command be used to backup filesystem
- Which order should filesystem be checked at boot time.
Configure user mountable removable filesystems
- Allowing regular users to mount removable media may be convenient, but requires security considerations.
- User-mounted filesystems will default to noexec unless exec is specified after the user option
- Specifying noatime eilll disable access time recording
Using noatime may improve performance
- sudo mkdir -p /media/user/usb
- sudo chown user1 /media/user1/usb
- sudo chmod 0777 /media/user1/usb
- dmesg | grep -i usb
- /dev/sdc1 /home/storage user, umask-000, utf8, noauto 0 0
- etc/fstab definition for usb
- sudo mount /media/user1/usb
mount -a
Re read the /etc/fstab file and mount any directories listed
104.4 Manage Disk Quotas
Commands : quota, edquoata, repquota, quotation
Setup Disk quota for the filesystem
Disk quotas enables set storage limits for and individual user.
Quota limits can be added to the /etc/fstab file

A ‘soft limit’ can be exceeded to for the duration of grace period.
The soft limit is enforced as a ‘hard limit’ once the grace period expires.
The hard limit cannot be exceeded
The ‘quotation, command enables quotas for the file system
quotacheck -c
creates quotas defined in /etc/fstab
Install ‘quota’ if not installed
apt install quota

quotacheck -cuav
Scans system for quota
‘repquota’ is utility for reporting quota

repquota -auvgs

To turn on quota for those specified on fstab
quotaon -augv

To specify a user for a quota limit
setquota -u user1 10 100 200 500 /mydata
setquota -u <user> <storage soft limit> <storage hard limit> <inode soft limit> <inode hard limit> <mounted point>

Finally, to enable quota
quotacheck -avf

These are not editable files. These are system files.
If you run ‘repquota -auvgs’ , you could see that quota being set to the specific user.
Quotas also can be set to groups.
setquota -g user 10 100 200 500 /mydata
Quota can be edit, using ‘edquota’ command
edquota user1
After editing, force it again with,
quotacheck -avf
‘warnquota’ command helps to report and quota violations
warnquota -u