Manually mount and un-mount filesystems
- The mount and umount commads attach and detach filesystems to a mountpoint directory
- Mount checks for filesystem entries
- Filesystems can be mounted using a label

Configure file system mounting on bootup
- The /etc/fstab cile contains information about filesystem use by the mount command.
- Filesystem maintenance also includes updating ‘fstab’ file
- The order of filesystem being mounted is significant
Field definitions for /etc/fstab

- What will be mounted
- Where will be mounted
- Which filesystem type
- Which options will be used
- Will the ‘dump’ command be used to backup filesystem
- Which order should filesystem be checked at boot time.
Configure user mountable removable filesystems
- Allowing regular users to mount removable media may be convenient, but requires security considerations.
- User-mounted filesystems will default to noexec unless exec is specified after the user option
- Specifying noatime eilll disable access time recording
Using noatime may improve performance
- sudo mkdir -p /media/user/usb
- sudo chown user1 /media/user1/usb
- sudo chmod 0777 /media/user1/usb
- dmesg | grep -i usb
- /dev/sdc1 /home/storage user, umask-000, utf8, noauto 0 0
- etc/fstab definition for usb
- sudo mount /media/user1/usb
mount -a
Re read the /etc/fstab file and mount any directories listed